Friday, June 15, 2012

Help Heal Haiti 2.0

Prayers for the Help Heal Haiti Team 2.0!!!

We are packed and ready to go!!!  Many, many, many hands have been involved in this trip.  Trips were paid for with yard sales, lemonade stands, gifts and donations.  Project costs far exceeded the goal of $8000.  However with all these hands, God's hand has seemed the most prominent. 

Our 188 boxes of supplies arrived despite many road blocks.  All 30 suitcases are packed to the brim.  Our own personal bags, small I hope, are ready by our beds.  This journey has only just begun.  I know each and every member of this team will be changed and ready to serve in a way they have never felt called before.  If you aren't changed, I pray your heart will be truly broken and your love for the Haitian people extends beyond our abilities.  I can only tell you that this team has been perfectly designed.  You were placed on this team with a specific purpose and you are about to find that purpose out!!! 

I am truly humbled at the love and talent of this team and consider it an honor to assist in leading this trip.  I will see you in the morning ready to join the beautiful feet that will set out for Haiti to serve.  We know Acts 20: 35 by heart, "It is more blesed to give than to receive" but it will take on a whole new meaning after this trip. 

I hope you can listen to and read the words to this song and prepare for the trip!!  I love each of you dearly!

Your sister,

When You are Not Enough
(click here to listen)

When you are not enough
I see the pleasures of this world

When you are not enough
My hope is lost

When you are not enough
Joy cannot be found

When you are not enough

Please Lord
Break my heart

When you are not enough
I carry all my guilt and shame

When you are not enough
I cannot pay

When you are not enough
I’d like to think I’ve learned by now

When you are not enough

Please Lord
Break my heart
Please Lord
Change my heart

When you are not enough
We trade your beauty for a lie

When you are not enough
Nothing satisfies

When you are not enough
Your joy is always out of reach

When you are not enough

Please Lord
Break my heart
Please Lord
Change my heart

Grant us Mercy Grant us Grace
Grant us Wisdom Grant us Faith

Grant us Mercy Grant us Grace
Grant us Wisdom Grant us Faith

Grant us Mercy Grant us Grace
Grant us Wisdom Grant us Faith

Grant us Mercy Grant us Grace
Grant us Wisdom Grant us Faith

Grant us Mercy Grant us Grace
Grant us Wisdom Grant us Faith

Please Lord Break my Heart
Please Lord Change my Heart

Words and Music by Thad Cockrell and Matt Stevens